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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

House Homeland Advances Three American Security Agenda Bills

WASHINGTON – Today the House Homeland Security Committee advanced three bills that are a part of Committee Republicans’ American Security Agenda: Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Innovation Subcommittee Ranking Member John Katko’s (R-NY) H.R. 5811, the TSA Personnel Workplace Improvement Act of 2020, Transportation and Maritime Security Subcommittee Ranking Member Debbie Lesko’s (R-Ariz.) H.R. 5828, the DHS Illicit Cross-Border Tunnel Defense Act and Oversight, Management and Accountability Subcommittee Ranking Member Dan Crenshaw’s (R-Texas) H.R. 5804, the DHS Blue Campaign Enhancement Act.
“The work Reps. Katko, Lesko and Crenshaw are doing is very important. I appreciate them leading the way by introducing and advocating for these bills that will make a difference.”- Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-Ala.).
“I would like to thank Chairman Thompson and Ranking Member Rogers for supporting my legislation, the TSA Workplace Improvement Act of 2020, and am pleased it passed the Committee on Homeland Security with bipartisan support today,” said Rep. Katko. “I am committed to working in a bipartisan manner to improve workplace conditions and support parents working for the TSA. By improving paid parental leave standards and providing access to adequate lactation facilities for nursing mothers, my legislation will ensure working parents will continue to have the necessary accommodations and protections to continue safely working for the TSA. Along with Chairman Correa’s legislation to support childcare for parents serving as TSA agents, I believe we will be taking a meaningful step to improve workplace conditions for TSA employees.”
“Transnational criminal organizations are constantly looking for ways to exploit our southern border to smuggle drugs into the U.S., including through million dollar tunnels underneath our international border with Mexico,” said Rep. Lesko. “Just a few weeks ago, the longest illicit cross-border tunnel on record was discovered with a rail cart system, forced air ventilation, high voltage electrical cables, and even an elevator. We must be able to remediate tunnels as soon as we find them, which is why I am grateful for my colleagues support today, and I look forward to a full vote by the House of Representatives soon.”
“The bipartisan DHS Blue Campaign Enhancement Act will expand on the successes of the Blue Campaign, which is being effectively implemented to combat human trafficking,” said Rep. Crenshaw. “This bill bolsters the campaign by directing an advisory board to examine best practices for boosting awareness and education of human trafficking, so that we can better address this atrocity. I want to especially thank Representatives Val Demings, Sylvia Garcia, and Ranking Member Rogers in joining me on this important bill to address the scourge of human trafficking. I look forward to working alongside my colleagues to advance this legislation through the House.”
Background: The American Security Agenda is a comprehensive legislative effort from Homeland Security Republicans to combat new and evolving threats to our homeland. The agenda is grounded on three pillars: granting DHS the authority it needs to stay ahead of emerging threats; providing DHS and its state, local, and private sector partners with the resources they need to build and maintain a robust capacity to deter acts of terrorism; and reforming DHS structure and management to ensure it properly positioned to combat the constantly evolving threat to the homeland.

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