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Monday, February 10, 2020

Hoyer said; "The President's Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Is Replete with Dangerous Proposals That Leave Working Families to Fend for Themselves"

Trump’s FY2021 budget is replete with dangerous proposals that leave
working families to fend for themselves in a changing and uncertain
economy.  This budget makes the President’s priorities clear: the
wealthiest Americans come first ahead of working Americans who are
trying to get by and get ahead.  It is another manifestation of his
broken promises to the American people to improve their health care,
safeguard Medicare, and eliminate the national debt.  His budget cuts
Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, nutrition
assistance, student loan assistance, and a host of other priorities in
order to offset the deficits caused by his tax cuts for the wealthy. 

“The President and his Republican allies in Congress promised that their
tax cuts for the wealthiest would pay for themselves and not cause
higher deficits because the benefits directed toward the wealthy would
eventually trickle down to workers and boost economic activity.  This
budget makes no mention of them, a tacit acknowledgement that this
President is now trying to run away from their dismal consequences.  In
the last month, two reports from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the
nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) showed how far
projections of the tax cuts’ alleged benefits were from reality. 
Working Americans have not seen the promised trickle-down benefits, and
economic activity has failed to achieve the President’s lofty goals.
 Rather than admit their policy failure, this budget doubles down on
this fantasy by asserting that our economy will grow nearly 40% more
over the next decade than the CBO projects.  Yet even when coupled with
the extreme spending cuts included in the President’s FY2021 budget, he
still cannot overcome the massive deficits caused by his tax cuts to
balance the budget. 

“Last year, House Democrats passed legislation to fund 96% of the
government before the end of June, and we worked successfully with the
Republican Senate and this White House to avert a shutdown and reach a
bipartisan budget agreement that will govern this year’s topline
spending levels.  I would have hoped that, in that same spirit, the
President’s budget would have reflected an honest desire to work
together and deliver for the people we serve.  Instead, in addition to
breaking the bipartisan budget agreement, it is little more than a
partisan wish-list full of Republicans’ worst ideas to make the most
vulnerable in our economy pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.  That’s a

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