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Monday, February 10, 2020

HPARD Begins Allen Parkway Tree Replacement Project

The Houston Parks and Recreation Department has begun a tree replacement project in the medians along Allen Parkway between Montrose Boulevard and Waugh Drive.  The goal is to replace 10 declining Shumard Oak trees and replace them with 30 new Cathedral Live Oaks.  The Houston Parks and Recreation Department's Urban Forestry Division is removing the Shumard Oaks.  Environmental Design, Inc. (EDI) has been hired to perform the installation of the new Cathedral Live Oaks.  EDI will dig, cure, transport, install, and water the new trees for one year, as well as provide a one-year warranty on the work.  Beginning in year two, Trees for Houston will water the trees as needed.

Cathedral Live Oaks were selected for replacement to complement the existing tree canopy along Buffalo Bayou, and because of their aesthetic value as the trees mature.  The Cathedral Live Oaks produce a uniform canopy that does not interfere with traffic or pose clearance issues for motorists.

The removal of the Shumard Oaks began today and will continue through Friday, February 14, 2020.  Installation of the new Cathedral Live Oaks also began today and planting will be concluded by Sunday, March 1, 2020.  While work is underway, lanes will be closed on each side of the esplanade on Allen Parkway from Rochow to Stanford between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

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