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Monday, February 10, 2020

Rep. Oliverson Named Co-Chair of Joint Interim Committee to Study Prior Authorizations

State Representative Tom Oliverson, MD (Cypress) was named Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on the Use of Prior Authorization and Utilization Review Processes.

The committee was created by the passage of SB 1742 by Sen. Menendez and Rep. Johnson to study, review, and report on the use of prior authorization and utilization review by health insurance companies and propose reforms to the current system.

In addition to Chairman Oliverson, Rep. Stephanie Klick, Rep. Eddie Lucio III and Rep. Julie Johnson were the House members named to the committee. Additionally, the committee will be comprised of four Senators who have not yet been named including the Senator who will Co-Chair the committee.

Rep. Tom Oliverson was also named to the Select Committee on Statewide Healthcare Costs. The Committee is chaired by Rep. Greg Bonnen, M.D. and has been directed to study how to bend the cost curve down for healthcare. Healthcare spending continues to rise and is one of the biggest expenditures for Texas and federal government.

Both of these important committee assignments allow Rep. Oliverson to continue to fight for Texans to have better access to healthcare at higher quality and lower costs. Rep. Oliverson was highlighted this past session by Texas Monthly magazine as one of its 'Best Legislators of the 86th Legislature' for his work on ending surprise medical billing, increasing drug price transparency and strengthening protections for consumers at emergency rooms.

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