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Monday, February 10, 2020

Statement from Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross on President Donald J. Trump’s Budget: A Budget for America’s Future

President Trump’s dedication to the success of all Americans has fostered an unprecedented period of growth for our economy and created the biggest economic boom in our nation’s history. The President’s 2021 Budget for America’s Future exemplifies his bold leadership and commitment to tackling the big structural issues that will allow every American to have equal and limitless opportunities to succeed.

This budget codifies the President’s commitment to protecting the interest of American taxpayers by putting us on the path to a balanced budget, including making tough choices to balance the budget in 15 years and $4.6 trillion in deficit reduction over 10 years. By putting more money in the pockets of American’s through historic tax cuts and eliminating burdensome and unnecessary bureaucratic regulations, we can promote prosperity for all Americans for generations to come.

At the Department of Commerce, we will continue to rout out wasteful and unnecessary spending in our organization. This will ensure that we are supporting and promoting American businesses and communities to reach previously unrealized prosperity in an effective and efficient manner. Combined with this budget’s $51 billion in regulatory savings across the Federal Government, American’s will continue to have more opportunities for success because of this President than any other.

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