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Thursday, October 8, 2020

City Council Approved the Proposed Ordinance that Authorizes an Earnest Money Contract with GCCISD concerning 2.17 acres along Market Street

City Council approved the proposed ordinance that authorizes an Earnest Money Contract with Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District ("GCCISD") concerning approximately 2.17 acres along Market Street, which is depicted as follows: There are some environmental conditions at the site due to the site's previous uses, which resulted in chemical and petroleum releases.  GCCISD has agreed to do all of the necessary remediation work, which is expected to be in the range of approximately $235,992 to $291,977.  The property to be conveyed, including the rights-of-way, is valued at $240,000, based upon the appraisal attached to this item.  Therefore, the consideration for the conveyance is GCCISD's remediation of the site and GCCISD's releasing the City from all associated liability.

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