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Thursday, June 25, 2020

City Council Approved the Change Order No. 10 between Baytown Area Water Authority and Pepper Lawson Waterworks, LLC

The Baytown Area Water Authority ("BAWA") and the City of Baytown approved the contract with Pepper Lawson Waterworks LLC, ("PLW") for the construction of a 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant (the "Project") in May 2018.  The project is on schedule, and items related to the completion of the Operations Building, and certain critical items of work related to the treatment and disinfection of raw water must be addressed at this time.  These items are a part of Change Order No. 10, in the amount of $78,010.45.  A list of the work is below in the following items:

1. The first item of work is an increase in the amount of $10,542.15 to complete a correction and revision of air scour piping at the Green Leaf Backwash Filter, to create the double wall pipe necessary to meet the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requirements TAC §290.42(d)(2)(B).

2. The second item of work is an increase in the amount of $1,169.10 related to the provision of a cellular auto dialer for the fire alarm system.

3. The third item of work is for an increase in the amount of $56,248.55 for the modifications to the disinfection basin to provide additional sample taps for disinfection residual sampling and additional piping modifications to adjust the location for the liquid ammonia sulfate chemical dosing at the Low Lift Pump Station.  Both items are required per the Concentration Time Study, which is a technical determination of disinfection performance, as specified in 30 TAC §290.110(c)(1)(B).

4. The fourth item of work is for an increase in the amount of $10,050.65 for the portion of the Engineer of Record’s costs associated with the Operations Building structural modifications to meet wind loading requirements.  This cost represents 25% of the total costs, and 75%, or $30,151.95, which were BAWA’s costs were previously approved by Change order No. 7.  These costs are to be paid by the Engineer of Record via separate action following the approval of this change order.

These changes are summarized below in the following chart:

10.1Revise Air Scour Piping at Green Leaf Filter1LS $10,542.15
10.2Addition of Auto-Dialer & Programming1LS $1,169.10
10.3Addition of sample taps & piping modifications1LS $56,248.55
10.4Ops Bldg. CMU block & Steel beam modifications - 1LS $10,050.65
 EOR share   
 Total   $78,010.45

The legislation creating the Baytown Area Water Authority requires that the City Council approve its agreements.  The BAWA Board approved this item at its meeting on June 17, 2020. The budgeted funds will come out of the capital.

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