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Thursday, September 10, 2020

City Council Authorized an Interlocal Agreement with the MDD for Lincoln Cedars and Unidad Parks Basketball Court Roof

City Council authorized an interlocal agreement with the Baytown Municipal Development District (MDD) for expenditures of up to $190,000 for the purchase and installation of a roof over the Lincoln Cedars Park and Unidad Park Basketball Courts.

The allocation provides funding to add a metal shade structure over the heavily used existing outdoor basketball courts at Lincoln Cedars and Unidad Parks.

The new structures will be similar to the basketball shelters at N.C. Foote, McElroy, Central Heights and Jenkins Parks. The covered courts will allow for basketball to be played during hot or inclement weather and to provide shade from the harmful UV rays from the sun. 

The MDD Board approved the funding at its meeting held on September 3, 2020.The building will be pre-engineered and constructed by local standards and codes and the funding will be available October 1, 2020.

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