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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Motion Failed to Rename Robert E. Lee High School

Early Thursday morning at 1:13 a.m., the GCCISD Board voted for Renaming Robert E. Lee High School. The motion has failed to rename the high school after a heated dispute among the trustees on the approval to Form a Committee to Investigate the Possible Renaming of Current Educational and Auxiliary Campuses.

The trustees were talking over each other including the President of the Board, Ms. Woods to attempt, "to table" forming the committee to investigate the Possible Renaming of Current Educational and Auxiliary Campuses agenda item. The committee will look into the problem and investigate it.

Trustees Loredo and Cottar were in the spotlight in the first couple of hours in the board meeting on Wednesday, due to accusations of ethics violations and was requested to recuse the vote to rename the school.

The minimal cost on the low end to change the name of the high school, get new uniforms, slap new paint on the walls, replace the logos, get a new marquee for the signs outside of the school will cost the taxpayers $150,000.00. The cheerleaders for REL would need to use up their own money to get new uniforms.

Trustee Clem said; "We need to start to looking into the positive of the name more now then focusing on the negative.

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