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Thursday, October 8, 2020

City Council Authorized a Standard Utility Agreement with TxDOT for the Relocation of City Utilities

City Council approved the proposed ordinance authorizes a Standard Utility Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the relocation of City maintained utilities along the eastbound and westbound Interstate 10 frontage road between Spur 330 and Thompson Road.

TxDOT is making improvements to the Interstate 10 and Spur 330 interchange which necessitate the construction of sound barrier walls along both the eastbound and westbound frontage roads to Interstate 10. The location and depth of the foundations for the sound barrier are in conflict with approximately 3,000 linear feet of City-maintained waterline, 80 linear feet of sanitary sewer, and 13 sanitary sewer manholes.

Public Works & Engineering staff has been involved in the design of the utility relocations, has reviewed the final designs, and is satisfied with the relocation design.  This agreement with TxDOT authorizes the state, at its direct cost, to relocate the conflicting utilities. TxDOT estimates the construction cost for the relocation to be $571,385,52 and the engineering costs for the relocation to be $149,782.58. The City of Baytown (the "City") will not be responsible for the engineering or construction costs, nor will it be required to seek reimbursement for these costs. The City will be eligible for reimbursement for its direct costs related to the effort expended for plan reviews, coordination meetings, design support, agreement review, field inspection, and testing associated with this relocation project up to $30,300.

TxDOT is paying for the engineering and construction costs for this project.
Additionally, TxDOT will reimburse the COB for staff effort and reimbursements associated with this project up to $30,300.

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