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Thursday, October 8, 2020

CoB CC Approved the Proposed Ordinance Approves a Pool Usage Agreement for Use of the Lee College Natatorium for the 2021 Swim Season

City Council approved the proposed ordinance approves a pool usage agreement for use of the Lee College Natatorium for the 2021 swim season.  The Parks and Recreation Department plans to use the Lee College pool for lifeguard training during the winter months in preparation of the 2021 swim season.

The City's aquatics staff has asked to utilize Lee College during the offseason to help with the lifeguard training. At our current facility, we do not have the ability to host classes that would meet the requirements for deepwater certification; and after a certain time of year, we cannot in good conscious hold classes outside. The agreement between Lee College and the City ensures that we have enough lifeguards trained and ready to serve the community by May. We hope to continue fostering this partnership for many years to come.

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