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Thursday, December 10, 2020

City Council APPROVED an Interlocal Agreement with the MDD for the Acquisition of 4000 Tompkins Road

The city council authorizes an interlocal agreement with the City of Baytown for the acquisition 4000 Tompkins for park purposes in the amount of $225,000.

On November 17, 2020, the City Council approved an earnest money contract for the purchase of Property contingent upon the MDD's funding of the purchase price.  The MDD approved funding for the property at its meeting held on December 3, 2020.

The Parks and Recreation Department (the "Department") plans to develop the property into a public park.  Staff has secured a Waiver of Retroactivity with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ("TPWD") securing the value of the property as a possible match for a TPWD outdoor grant.  The Waiver is valid for two years.

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