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Thursday, December 10, 2020

City Council APPROVES the Purchase of a Genie Open Cab Fork and Man Lift

The city council is authorizing the purchase of a Genie Open Cab Fork and Man Lift from Briggs Equipment, through the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (Buyboard), in the amount of $69,210.60.

The Genie Open Cab Fork/Man lift will replace a 2003 Yale Forklift.  The new unit is more versatile than a traditional fork lift.  The articulating unit will allow for better maneuverability and will serve in a multifunctional way including a man lift basket attachment.  The new unit has a higher reach and can be modified with implements to reduce future needs for renting other machines.  The man lift capability will allow for easier installation of Christmas decorations and banners as well as assisting will slide repair at Pirates Bay and Calypso Cove.  The monies for this purchase will be made available on January 1, 2021.

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