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Thursday, December 10, 2020

City Council APPROVES the Refurbishing of the Slides and Active Play Units at Pirates Bay Water Park and Calypso Cove

The city council approves the refinishing of slides and the active water play equipment at Pirates Bay Water Park and Calypso Cove with Progressive Commercial Aquatics, Inc., through the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (Buyboard), Contract # 613-20 in the amount of $103,845.00.

The scope of work on this project will allow Progressive Commercial Aquatics, Inc., to clean, wash, paint, and polish (wax) the Aqualoop and red drop slide and run outs at Pirates Bay and the orange slide at Calypso Cove. The mat racer slide at Pirates Bay will be cleaned, washed, and polished (waxed). It includes repainting the mushrooms at Pirates Bay and Calypso Cove.  The project will include refurbishing the bucket and the play structure at Calypso Cove.

This is the third of a three-year slide renovation process.

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