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Thursday, December 10, 2020

CoB City Council awarded the construction contract to Angel Brothers Enterprises, Ltd, for the Reconstruction of Rollingbrook

The City Council awarded a construction contract to Angel Brothers Enterprises, Ltd, for the Reconstruction of Rollingbook Drive Project from Goose Creek to Decker Drive in the amount of $2,256,677.05.

The scope of this project will replace the roadway pavement, add pedestrian facilities on both sides of the roadway, replace the waterline, and upgrade the street lighting from single mast arms to more energy-efficient light-emitting diode (LED) double mast arms in the median that is black powder-coated, which meets new City standards.  The turn lane improvements will allow for an additional turn lane, enabling additional turn movements to alleviate congestion.

Advertising for the project commenced on October 15, 2020.  A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting was held on October 28, 2020.  Two bids were received and publicly opened on November 11, 2020.  Bids received ranged from $2,256,677.05 to $2,410,926.35.  The lowest bidder was Angel Brothers Enterprises, Ltd, at $2,256,677.05.  Staff concurs with the Engineer’s recommendation to award the contract for construction to Angel Brother’s Enterprises, Ltd., which has performed several projects for the City with good results.

The contract construction duration is 427 calendar days from the notice to proceed with an additional 30 days to achieve final completion.

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