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Thursday, December 10, 2020

CoB City Council awarded a construction contract to Interstate Improvement, Inc., for the North Main Street Pavement Restoration Project

City Council awarded a construction contract to Interstate Improvement, Inc., for the North Main Street Pavement Restoration Project (the "Project") in the amount of $530,750.00.

North Main Street is a five-lane roadway with center turn lane that functions as a major thoroughfare and recent work has completed the full depth repairs of sections of failed pavement.  The scope of work for this project includes dowel bar retrofits and cross-stitching of concrete panels to be completed in select areas, followed by diamond grinding of the roadway rendering a uniform road surface to complete the pavement restoration.
The Base Bid, in the amount of $436,250.00 is recommended for award for the North Main Street portion of work.  The work will be carried out under supervision of the Public Works & Engineering department.  Additionally, Alternate #1 (Bid Item No. 6 & 7), in the amount of $382,500.00 is recommended for award, which includes diamond grinding of John Martin Road from I-10 to thirty (30) feet South of Hunt Road.  Previously, this road was reconstructed under a Harris County project and has since been annexed by the City.  Diamond grinding of the street is being recommended to improve the ride quality.
Concurrent to the award of the contract is a deductive Change Order No. 1, to remove Bid Item No. 6 (Joint/Crack Resealing of North Main Street) in the amount of $288,000.00, deducted in its entirety.  Upon further review by the staff, this work is not desired at this time.  The proposed contractor has agreed to the deductive change order.  Therefore, only Bid Item No. 7 work (diamond grinding for John Martin Road) is to be performed as Alternate #1.  Thus, this recommendation includes the award of a contract and deductive change order, for a new contract total which includes the Base Bid in the amount of $436,250.00 and Alternate No. 1, Bid Item No. 7 only, in the amount of $94,500 for a total value of $530,750.00.

Advertising for the project commenced on October 27, 2020.  A total of three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on November 11, 2020 through a virtual meeting via Zoom.  Three (3) contractors submitted bids ranging from $530,750.00 to $2,120,310.00.  Interstate Improvement, Inc. was the apparent low bidder, submitting the bid of $530,750.00.  References of Interstate Improvement Inc have been favorable, and indicate that Interstate has performed similar work through the USA and within the state of Texas.  Staff concurs with the Engineer’s Recommendation to Award the contract for construction to Interstate Improvement, Inc.

The contract includes ninety (90) calendar days for substantial completion with an additional 15 days to achieve final completion.  Pending Council’s approval of the contract, staff plans to hold the pre-construction conference in late December and issue a notice to proceed at that time.

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