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Thursday, December 10, 2020

CoB City Council APPROVED the Interlocal Agreement with GCCISD and HCFCD

City Council authorizes the interlocal agreement with Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District ("GCCISD") and Harris County Flood Control District ("HCFCD") for drainage improvements affecting Robert E. Lee High School and the surrounding area (the "Project").

In 1949, GCCISD conveyed drainage easements to HCFCD on GCCISD's property at Robert E. Lee High School (the "Property").  In the 1960's and 1970's, GCCISD built larger athletic facilities over such easements, and a sinkhole developed on the Property in 2019.  HCFCD has repaired the sinkhole, abandoned its easements and HCFCD, GCCISD, and the City desire to restore storm sewer drainage to the Property and to construct a new diversion storm sewer, which is estimated to cost $1,841,600.

In furtherance of the Project:
  • GCCISD will:
    • Donate a drainage easement to the City;
    • pay to the City an amount of $1,200,213; and
    • pay to the City any cost overruns;
  • HCFCD will:
    • pay to the City $641,387; and
  • the City will:
    • design and construct the Project; and
    • maintain the Project once constructed.
No additional City funds will be allocated to the Project at this time.  The City will be contributing management and future maintenance costs.

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