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Thursday, December 10, 2020

CoB City Council APPROVED a Professional Service Agreement for the Robert E. Lee Highschool Drainage Re-Route Project

City Council approved the Consulting Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for design engineering services of the Robert E. Lee High School Drainage Re-Route Project (“The Project”) in an amount not to exceed $211,000.00.

The scope of work includes final design engineering, survey, geotechnical services, environmental, bid and construction administration services.  The existing underground drainage system will be re-routed from the school property to the right of way along Gentry and Lee Drives.  A portion of the drainage system is to be constructed as an enclosed underground system, and a portion will be constructed as an open channel.  The project will also include drainage easements to allow the City to maintain the drainage area adjacent to and within Bicentennial Park.  The project will eliminate any future drainage system collapses by grout-filling the abandoned drainage segment.

This project will be contingent upon receipt of funding from Harris County Flood Control and Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District, pursuant to the interlocal agreement being considered.  As the primary partner on the project, GCCISD has requested Kimley-Horn and Associates as the design engineer and Harris County Flood Control has agreed to that request.

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