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Thursday, July 23, 2020

City Council Approved the Interlocal Agreement with Harris County for the Preliminary Engineering Services for the Market Street Revitalization Project

City Council Approved the budgeted $62,4000.00 Interlocal Agreement with Harris County for the Preliminary Engineering Services for the Market Street Revitalization Project.

The Project includes the reconfiguration of 2.35 miles of Market Street from Bayway Drive to West Sterling Avenue. The current configuration is a four-lane, undivided roadway with turn lanes at intersections. Several of the traffic and mobility elements within the Market Street corridor are at the end of their service lives, including four traffic signals. The intersections converge at angles at each end, which cause confusion, sight distance and difficult to navigate intersection configurations.  Additionally, sidewalks are not continuous throughout the street segment.

This Project will enhance the safety and mobility for all modes of travel along the corridor.  The proposed configuration transforms the roadway into a pedestrian/cyclist-friendly corridor to accommodate re-location of an elementary school and re-development of the corridor. 

Pursuant to the interlocal agreement:

1. The City shall:

  • provide fifty percent (50%) of the costs in the amount of $624,000.00 (City Funding Share), of the costs of Preliminary Engineering Design and
  • provide payment of the City Funding Share to the County within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice from the County.

 2. The County shall:

  • provide or obtain engineering and related support services associated with the study report for the Project,
  • provide fifty percent (50%) of the costs in the amount not to exceed $624,000.00 of the costs of Preliminary Engineering Design, and
  • invoice the City for the City Funding Share after Commissioners Court approves the professional services agreement and all parties execute the same.

In the event that the Project cannot be performed at the cost in the agreement, either party may choose to terminate the agreement or the parties may mutually agree in writing how the additional funding of the Project will be paid.

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