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Monday, June 1, 2020

BPD officers responded to a report of a disturbance between a male and female at the Kierra Bella Apartments

On May 31st at 6:12 a.m., officers responded to a report of disturbance between a male and female at the Kierra Bella Apartments in the 3400 block of Shady Hill. As officers arrived they observed a white male subject, identified as Dylan Vecera knocking on the apartment door where the disturbance was reported to be occurring, the door was then answered by a female at which time officers approached the two, who appeared intoxicated, and separated them while they conducted their investigation. As officers attempted to speak with Dylan he was uncooperative and confrontational with the officers. Officers spoke with the female, identified as Ashleigh Chisolm, who advised the two had been drinking all evening and had been in an argument and Dylan had in fact slapped her the day before. In an effort to separate the two parties officers allowed Dylan to call his mother to come pick him up and during the course of this Dylan began making challenging comments to the officers regarding walking away or running back into the apartment or even driving away, and at one point got up and walked to the apartment where he once again became irate and began yelling and screaming. Officers attempted to calm Dylan and now Ashleigh as well, to no avail. Due to Dylan’s uncooperative and continued confrontational behavior and the fact he was intoxicated, officers decided to place Dylan under arrest for public intoxication, at which time he became increasingly uncooperative and at one point dropped to the floor and began kicking at the officers, pulling away from the officers and at one point wrapping his legs around the legs of one of the officers in an attempt to knock the officer down. Dylan then instructed Ashleigh to close the door so the officers could not remove him from the apartment, which Ashleigh did. Officers warned Ashleigh of the consequences of interfering and instructed her to step outside, which she reluctantly did, however once outside she started banging on other doors in an effort to get other residents involved. Officers eventually were able to get Dylan in custody and secured in a patrol car as well as Ashleigh. Both were transported to the Baytown Jail where they were booked and Dylan was charged with Assault on a Public Servant and Ashleigh was charged with Interfering with Public Duties. 

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